Events in 2023 by BgLUG
At the end of 2022, after a few weeks of discussions in the newsletter, BgLUG finally reopens!!!
For being the year of recovery it was full of events:
*The Linux Winter Day broke the ice in February in Albino at the IC “Gioele Solari”
Software freedom day in September which saw the arrival in Italy, for the first time, of the reading of the volume Ada & Zangemann. The event was organized in collaboration with FSFE and the Centro Cultura di Nembro.
Linux Day 2023 the first after 5 years of waiting! It took place in the very central location of the Science Center, thanks to the availability of Bergamo Scienza.
The code week consisting of two appointments during which the children were able to experiment with programming activities with Scratch and Lego Mindstorm.
See you next year, don’t miss it!!!